Guide to Wedding Photography Styles

Hiring a photographer for your wedding seems like an easy task, but requires quite a bit of research. Before you even research and vet photographers, you should have a photography style chosen. While it might seem like a small detail, it should be one of the main components that you use to find a wedding photographer that suits your vision. While you can create a list of must-have photos for your photographer, many photographers have a specialty style and you would want to find someone who can captivate your big day in the way you envision. Go into any photographer meetings with an understanding of the photo styles you like and what you think will work best for your wedding. The easiest way to find your preferred wedding photography style is to take a look at your Pinterest boards and saved photos to see if there is a pattern in the photos you are drawn towards. That being said, there are a lot of options and it can be tricky to choose. If you need a breakdown of the different photography styles, here are six of the go-to photo styles for a wedding!



If you want a more timeless and crisp look to your photographs, a traditional style is the best fit. Think of your parents’ wedding photo albums, most of the photographs tend to be posed and don’t contain a lot of motion. You would have to work closely with your photographer to create a shot list, which is an exact list of all the shots that you want from the day. Your photographer will have a big role in strategically placing and posing the photos, a reliable approach that will give you the advantage of knowing exactly what kind of photos you’ll be receiving post-wedding.

Photography by Q Hegarty Photography



This candid style of taking photos is a much more relaxed approach to wedding photos that capture raw emotion. You may still have a shortlist of shots that are must-haves, but most moments will be captured naturally as they happen throughout the day. Your photographer will take a more observative approach by trying to blend in and catch obscure moments, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they will be entirely hands-off. If it makes you more comfortable you can ask them to provide loose directions with certain shots. They should however be extremely well-versed in adjusting photo settings and framing in the spur of the moment.


Fine Art

Fine art photography takes an editorial approach to photos, focusing more on the aesthetics and drama of the shots. The little details are important to the photographer for telling the story of your wedding day. This is a more creative style that will have your photographer curating a unique environment for almost every shot from the lighting, framing, and backdrop. They may not necessarily pose you or particularly place items in the frame, but they will make slight adjustments to achieve a specific composition. If you choose this photo style you may want to include a candid or traditional style as well to secure other key shots from the day.

Photography by Anna Madsen


Photography by She of the Woods

Dark and Moody

This photography style is exactly what you think – dark, moody, and dramatic. With this style, your photographer will be focusing on the harsher lines and shadows in a photo set-up to create interesting patterns or lighting that highlight a couple. Many of these photos will look like they were pulled straight from Pinterest or a wedding styled shoot because the editing style creates a filter overlay effect. If you’re planning a boho or outdoor wedding, this photo style would capture that vibe perfectly.



You wouldn’t think so, but a fashion or editorial photo style can be very popular when it comes to wedding photography. The shots captured through this lens tend to be very action-oriented and set in front of beautiful, scenic backdrops. Whether it’s a bride spinning in her gown in the middle of an empty field or a couple posing along the beach, these editorial shots bring creativity and motion to your wedding photos. Your photographer will provide a lot of direction with this photo style and is perfect for you if you’re aiming for more dramatic photos.

Photography by Alia Roz Photography


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